
Korean Hanjin Shipping Lays Off 560 Crew

Korean Hanjin Shipping Lays Off 560 Crew
• By Yoon Hyung-jun

November 11, 2016 13:21
Bankrupt Hanjin Shipping has given one month’s notice to over 560 crew aboard its directly managed 42 ships, the company said Thursday.

Sailors on provisionally seized ships will be laid off once the vessel is released and they get off the ship.

Mistreatment of crew on sub-standard ship leads to detention

Mistreatment of crew on sub-standard ship leads to detention
28 October 2016
Mistreatment of crew on sub-standard ship leads to detention

The Fight For Maritime Unity & Target:Labor And The Taft-Hartley


The Fight For Maritime Unity & Target:Labor And The Taft-Hartley


Target:Labor And The Taft-Hartley This film "Target: Labor" was made in the late 1940's by the National Maritime Union NMU which was in the CIO. It shows the efforts of the the US politicians and bosses to weaken organized labor through the anti-labor bill the Taft-Hartley.

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