
Striking LA ILWU Local 63 clerks union expands walkout at local ports


Striking LA ILWU Local 63 clerks union expands walkout at local ports,0,6614640.story

By Ronald D. White
November 28, 2012, 2:27 p.m.


TWSC Supports SEIU 1021 Port Workers Strike At Port of Oakland

TWSC Banner Supports Port Workers And ILWU NW members who work on grain

Supporters of the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee TWSC joined the picket line in Oakland at SSA of the SEIU 1021 Oakland Port Workers. They were striking in an unfair labor strike against the union busting tactics of the Port Of Oakland Board Of Directors who are mostly Democrats and appointed by Democrat and labor supported mayor Jean Quan. They were demanding concessions and also a clause that they cross the picket lines of other unions.

ILWU Longshoremen plan to strike at Port of Portland terminals Nov. 25


ILWU Longshoremen plan to strike at Port of Portland terminals Nov. 25

By Richard Read


The Oregonian, Nov 17, 2012




Canadian Pacific IBT railway workers strike


Canadian Pacific IBT railway workers strike

By Carl Bronski 
24 May 2012

Golden Gate Bridge Workers Call Off May Day Bridge Occupation


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