The Fight For Maritime Unity & Target:Labor And The Taft-Hartley


The Fight For Maritime Unity & Target:Labor And The Taft-Hartley


Target:Labor And The Taft-Hartley This film "Target: Labor" was made in the late 1940's by the National Maritime Union NMU which was in the CIO. It shows the efforts of the the US politicians and bosses to weaken organized labor through the anti-labor bill the Taft-Hartley.

The Taft-Hartley is still in use today against labor. It was also filmed at the beginning of the McCarthy period and in the midst of anti-Communist purges taking place within the labor movement.


The Fight For Maritime Unity
This labor film made by the National Maritime Union calls for greater solidarity 

and collective action by sailors, longshore workers and port workers. 

It was made in the mid 40's just before the anti-Communist witch hunt within 

the labor movement.