"Defend The Right To Strike For Korean Workers " SF Rally For Korean Feb 25 General Workers Strike

"Defend The Right To Strike For Korean Workers " SF Rally For Korean Feb 25 General Workers Strike
Trade unionists, activists and youth joined together at the San Francisco Korean consulate to support the Korean general strike called by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions on February 25, 2014. The San Francisco solidarity protesters were met again with Park government supporters who tried to disrupt the workers support rally with their bullhorn. The rally was supported by the San Francisco Labor Council, other unions and left organizations. Also Ken Riley president of ILA 1422 Charleston, South Carolina gave solidarity greetings from the International Longshore Association ILA and Jordi Aragunde gave greetings from the International Dockworkers Council IDC and coordinator of the Catalan-Balearic Area and the Port of Barcelona stevedores.
For more video of labor solidarity actions for Korean workers:
Battle At SF Korean Consulate "Hands Off Korean Workers"
South Korean Consulate Disrupts Solidarity Rally for Korean Rail Workers
For more information about the Korean Railway Workers Union KRWU struggle
Korean Confederation Of Trade Unions
Rally initiated by Transport Workers Solidarity Committee